with this flip book project i wanted to make something that reflects a hint of my creativity (just a hint) while giving insight of the things that make me tick, even if they were ambiguously shown thru colored representations of figures and forms. i can't say that every single page has a deeper significance because honestly, trying to fill over 200 pages of Relatable Content is not only way more complex than necessary but also kinda hard! plus? not everything NEEDS some deep mumbo jumbo.
as goes for mumbo jumbo, i used the use of primary colors as an ode to the foundations of color along with the three colors of the venezualan flag which is a big part of my culture. i use this flip book as an opportunity to simply talk about myself for the sake of it in hopes that understand myself a little bit better too. i use the red forms as my feminine woman identity because we need to talk about trans womanhood and what it means to us. not enough people realize how much it means to us and how our womanhood is (rather Can Be) in our core just like every other woman. i use the smaller blue forms to discuss maculinity and what we allow. i think the argument needs to be discussed on what it is exactly we allow, such as showing emotions and having an enjoyment of beautiful things openly. i include the black forms (not related to the demon-like forms) to represent my blackness which is not only not listened to or accredited but also mocked. i'm constantly surrounded by casual anti-blackness and people don't understand how their ingrained ideas are not only harmful but counterproductive to their own growth/our growth as a community. while trying to show the beauty of my Multiple Forms of Self i also wanted to make a shout out to my fear of vulnerability, as a demon trying to cover up its heart before it is finally pierced. there is liberation with vulnerability and i think that's a lesson we all need to learn. i also chose to depict a lot of soft core gore as my way of mentally throwing a temper tantrum to the systems that are against us and because people seem to listen more when you beckon their attention.
*exhales* whew that was a lot Lastly the title She's Not Real is the cherry on top to my ever shifting identity. a part of me feels not of this world, giving it the name of a phrase that people constantly make me believe by devaluing my womanhood.
i think that's it?
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