Monday, December 19, 2016







Tuesday, December 13, 2016

[12-13-16] post8

Monday, December 5, 2016

[11-29-16] post7


there is something very vulnerable about dance as a performance art because you are putting directly what you are creating into the public as it comes to you; kinda like a stream of consciousness. at least, in an improv/free style sense. if you mess up, there's no do overs just as if there was a success, it was a single moment in itself never to be found again. there's this relationship between the constant present and tendency to keep things constant and expected that i'm trying to explore. more often than not, we let fear hold us back from impulsion. now i'm not saying the type of impulsion that would lead somebody to jump off a building or harm another person, but the impulsion to simply do something that we think would make us happy. i think performance explores this because it's using the art of dance to express what we cannot express with words (or even really images!!). we need this direct, impulsive outlet in my opinion! we have so much built up inside of our psyche that it constricts us from enjoying the things we really we ACTUALLY enjoy. am i saying everyone needs to be dancing? maybe not! but i think everyone needs to find a healthy, impulsive release of energy. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

[11-29-16] post6


i personally really like this artist for their unique sound and humorous song content. like it's not ha ha funny but there's a goofy-ness about it. plus the music is just really fun lol it just shows how much they take themselves seriously and i think that can reflect how others feel. it's ~relatable~
since their music style is electro-funk they use not only guitars and keyboards but synthesizers and a talk box (which, if you don't know, makes your voice all auto tune-y)

honestly, earth wind & fire are so iconic in themselves that they just deserved a mention. they were such an incredible influence for disco, and took that disco influence to the 80s with a more electronic style of music. the fusion of electronic sound and disco i think really started the wave of blending music (this is a personal opinion, not fact!!!!!). their style is so iconic and just
listen for yourself. enjoy
is this not the best song ever

for the mainstream, i think daft punk really put techno to forefront for a lot of people. not that many people were /really/ listening to techno and then daft punk came out and everyone was like "what is this (insert the eyes emoji here)" i also loved how they used anonymity with robot maks as kind of...i don't wanna say "gimmick" but it's ultimately what they became known for. i heard it was so they can walk out in public without being bothered, but rumors are just rumors.
this song started it all tbh

granted one of the members is a boy (who makes the electronic beats) but the lead singer is so wow she takes the category for herself. they blend a funk and jazz sound with electronic and synth beats and create this new wave of electro-funk. well, not Create but you know. i use this under the category of girl power because the lead singer, jillian harvey, really steals the show and allows her womanhood to be the forefront for the music. not to mention she has such a beautiful and unique voice.

i almost didn't want to use jlo ask an example because i think ultimately she's a piece of shit (she uses her latin-ness as a front and doesn't actually do anything to better the community) but! her music was still influential and if she didn't play selena in that movie i don't really know what we would have done. anyways, her early 90s work has the cool, hip hop beats along with some VERY NICE visuals and aesthetics. i'll post a video just for that because i think fashion is technology and it really pushed the music further. i think fashion has that power. but as the times progressed, she used the popular electronic-style music in her work creating the majority of what she has now. not my fav person, but latin girls only get so much american representation you know?

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

[11-15-16] post5

Thursday, October 27, 2016

[10-25-16] post4

with this assignment, i wanted to not only use my own image, but have a meaningful one! in my art, i love using my body as the Ultimate Vessel of creation and i think this mainly stems from trying to find a more secure sense of self and appreciate for the body that i have. I also have a very "fuck you" attitude to just about everything so art projects for homework is so no different. it's not so much a "i don't care" kind of statement but more of a "f the establishment" kind of mentality and putting things in your face that you don't really want there. i love forcing someone into my space. it means you can't ignore what i have to say and i feel like i have some important things to discuss you know! 
i chose a booty selfie because like i said previously, i want to love myself a little more with each moment but i also love the idea of putting ideas that we like to pretend don't happen to the forefront. it's as if i'm using my own personal sext to normalize the idea of taking ~risqué~ pictures of one self. whether it be for yourself or someone else, we too often shame taking nude pictures. ESPECIALLY FOR WOMEN!!!!!! i hate all of the socially constructed rules that we're meant to follow, like for what? to impress who? it's exhausting. 
it's my own personal mission with every piece i make to let these girls know that you don't need to sugar coat yourself for ANYBODY. that goes for anyone really, but i have a special place for my girls. 

i wish i had a deeper meaning for using charcoal but honestly? my money is TIGHT and this is what i had on deck when I realized the deadline was passing. having to shade each individual square however was a humbling experience and gave me a deeper sense of patience. at least for now

Thursday, October 13, 2016

[10-13-16] post3

with this flip book project i wanted to make something that reflects a hint of my creativity (just a hint) while giving insight of the things that make me tick, even if they were ambiguously shown thru colored representations of figures and forms. i can't say that every single page has a deeper significance because honestly, trying to fill over 200 pages of Relatable Content is not only way more complex than necessary but also kinda hard! plus? not everything NEEDS some deep mumbo jumbo.
as goes for mumbo jumbo, i used the use of primary colors as an ode to the foundations of color along with the three colors of the venezualan flag which is a big part of my culture. i use this flip book as an opportunity to simply talk about myself for the sake of it in hopes that understand myself a little bit better too. i use the red forms as my feminine woman identity because we need to talk about trans womanhood and what it means to us. not enough people realize how much it means to us and how our womanhood is (rather Can Be) in our core just like every other woman. i use the smaller blue forms to discuss maculinity and what we allow. i think the argument needs to be discussed on what it is exactly we allow, such as showing emotions and having an enjoyment of beautiful things openly. i include the black forms (not related to the demon-like forms) to represent my blackness which is not only not listened to or accredited but also mocked. i'm constantly surrounded by casual anti-blackness and people don't understand how their ingrained ideas are not only harmful but counterproductive to their own growth/our growth as a community. while trying to show the beauty of my Multiple Forms of Self i also wanted to make a shout out to my fear of vulnerability, as a demon trying to cover up its heart before it is finally pierced. there is liberation with vulnerability and i think that's a lesson we all need to learn. i also chose to depict a lot of soft core gore as my way of mentally throwing a temper tantrum to the systems that are against us and because people seem to listen more when you beckon their attention.

*exhales* whew that was a lot Lastly the title She's Not Real is the cherry on top to my ever shifting identity. a part of me feels not of this world, giving it the name of a phrase that people constantly make me believe by devaluing my womanhood.

i think that's it?

Thursday, September 8, 2016

[9-8-16} post2

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honestly mediums such as this for methods of creating art are like, the future of what fine art can be and how it's seen ! not crazy revolutionary, but any method to create is worth paying attention to

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

[8-30-16] post1

hello !
i'm ellis catalán and if you don't remember me, i was the one in the adidas hat and probably touching my hair too much. anyway! i'm a senior art major, with a concentration in photography. i'm like, pretty sure astrology is real and i think expressing yourself is really important!

i didn't really know what to expect from the class, seeing as i only did it for the art credit. but! the professor seems to be passionate about art and making it easier understand for others. i think this is really important because i think "non-artists" (which doesn't exist lol) are intimidated by art out of insecurity thinking it needs to be done in a Certain Way, which it totally doesn't! so having an educator who doesn't let their students submit to that is great!
i also think that in the era that we're in, art and technology are becoming interlocked, with the rise of social media coming at it's highest. i love that! we have the power to make something amazing! so i'm excited to see the direction in which this class progresses! the teacher yelled at a student for trying to use the restroom tho, i don't really think that was cool but other than that! let's learn about art !